Hi everyone, today I'm taking a break from paper crafting to get some work done on what I like to call "The Knitter's Urban Legend", hahaha. It's a project that I was working on about a year ago and it's really neat because you knit the quilt piece by piece by making little "hexipuffs"...but you need somewhere in the neighborhood of 350 of them. So it takes me about 20 minutes or so to make one and I would have sworn I had at least 10 made...turns out I had a whopping 5! I have been getting Jimmy Beans Beanie Bags and I wasn't exactly sure what to do with all my mini-cakes of yarn and this project is perfect! I used my November bag first and was able to knit 5 more hexipuffs already. This project is easy because the Beanie Bag is the perfect sized project bag for this, it's a really portable project. I now have 11 hexipuffs (I made one out of some extra sock yarn I had on hand) and I am going to be knitting through my beanie bags to see how many I can make. I also think this will be a good way to keep me on task with continuing to make hexipuffs. These are a few of the hexipuffs I've made recently.
1 step closer.
Beautiful yarn.
This is a project that will go on for about a year, or at least several months, I'll update the progress on this every so often and hopefully one day I can start assembling! Happy crafting!